sábado, 17 de outubro de 2015


Be welcome to the "Excel And Yan" blog.

This blog is intended to all those who want to become experts in Excel and VBA.

What makes this blog different from the others is that we do not intend to solve little problems individually, but rather make Excel so easy to use and to program, that the user will be able to think Excel as powerful tool and VBA as a "ready-to-go" programming language not too far from great languages such as Python or Ruby.

The way we try to achieve such a pretentious objective is to use the most flexible tools Excel provide, to use all the best practices all the time, and to create the maximum of abstraction layers upon VBA, in a way that even the most complex problem can be easily addressed using just a handful of intuitive code lines.

Our approach is to deal with classes of problems and not individual problems and to try to compensate VBA limitations with abstraction and simplification.We don't think in terms of macros or functions, but rather in terms of modules and classes. This, for those who are used to the classical Excel macro approach might be scared at first, but we promise it we'll be much easier our way (and much more fun).

Another approach we use is to treat every single VBA script as a professional application. This means that the same principles we apply when programming, for example, a Java application should be used when programming in VBA. We believe that a, say, 10% overhead to implement Excel and VBA best practices for every application we deliver is rewarding and that every application is a critical one - this means that we don't like unexpected flaws.

The blog is being developed with the classical articles structure, this means that we will choose a topic, write an article about it and will make the correspondent code/workbook available for download. We will also publish our modules as posts, so one can easily find it in the blog.

We also are VERY open to collaboration and we really would like people to improve our VBA codes.

All That being said, let's begin!

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