This is one of those subjects that people who suffer with VBA would ignore, since it seems like just a best practice (and who need those, right?), but that makes all the difference.
Being explicit is writing
dim x as String
x = Thisworkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").value2
instead of
x = Range("A1")
The idea here is that while the 1st gives an exact and undoubtedly address for the cell, the 2nd makes assumptions: it assumes that the correct workbook and worksheet are active.Although the programmer might had made this true in the previous lines by activating the workbook and worksheet, the odds are the he or she didn't.
What usually happens is that we write a code today and we are certain that, for example, there will be only one workbook opened or that that worksheet will always be activated, so there is no need to specify the full address of the range. But, in a point of the future, we change the code without remembering this assumptions and the program crashes with no apparent reason - and this kind of frustration is one of the main causes people hate VBA.
The ".value2", which is related to the content of the cell, is also a form to avoid unpleasant surprises like getting a formatted value of a cell instead of its content. It also makes the code clearer : "x", in the example, is not a range object, but a string so, although the compiler is smart enough to understand that when assigning the range to x you actually meant its value, you shouldn't do that. This is one of the most important things we have to teach here: do not let the compiler make assumptions for you. This WILL cause problems in the future. It is important to always be 100% straight about what you are doing. So please do yourself a favor and use the full address of objects and make explicit that you want values instead of the object itself.
Another thing we would like to point it out can be seen in the two functions below:
function f1(x)
y = x*2
f1 = y
end function
Option Explicit
public function f2(ByVal x as Double) as Double
dim y as Double
y = x * 2
f2 = y
exit function
end function
Although both functions would work perfectly, it is clear that the f2 function was written with much more information. We know, by reading the code, that the function is public (which means it can be accessed from other modules), that x and y are doubles, that x is passed by value (which means that x has the same value of the argument passed when the function is called, but it is not the argument itself) and that the function returns a double value. All this information is implied in f1, which makes much harder to understand what the programmer really wanted - we mean: did the programmer actually wanted the f1 function to be public or did he simply forget to declare it as private?
Being explicit is one of the best ways to avoid small mistakes when programming in VBA. This goes in line with our statement in the MAIN post (the 1st post of this blog) which says that we do believe a 10% overhead to implement best practices in our code is rewarding. The reward is fewer errors and an easier to maintain code.
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